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!!!! OOOPS Accounts Exists.

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Account exist with the submitted email id or phone number or both, you can try with another email id or phone number. Sorry of the interruption.


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Verification Code Invalid, Please Check It Up.

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We are Checking Your Email ID, This may take some time as per your Internet speed. We appreciate your patients.

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We are reseting and sending your password to your phone number, This may take some time as per your Internet speed. We appreciate your patients.

!!!! OOOPS No Accounts Exists.

Sorry, No Account Fount associated with your given email ID, Please Try with Another Email

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Your account found successfully, your password shall be reset and send to your authorized phone number.

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Password Send Successfully

Coagulations, we had successfully reset and send your password to your phone number, please check your phone for an authorized SMS from us.

44/65, Aroma Cottage, SRM Road, Near Vattoli Lane, Kochi Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
Mob : +91 - 9633222211, Tel : 0484 - 4047774
Email :

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